Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Puppy and the Kitten

The puppy loved the kitten and said:  "Can we be friends?" She replied:  "I don't know, we are different." He thought for a moment and said:  "Yes, but that's why I love you."

I wrote this for the Trifextra Week 27 Writing Challenge, where are are to write a 33 word fable. However, since we are limited to one entry, I withdrew this post from the Trifecta site, so that I could enter another Post, with which I am happier. 

Your comments are welcome!


  1. Awwww! That is really sweet and why I love who I love, too. The differences make all the difference in the me!

  2. Thanks. I removed the link from Trifecta. I thought this didn't have a lot of substance. But I hopelessly agree with the sentiment.

  3. Cute but I like the lion fable more.

    1. Thanks. This time my insecurity provided guidance lol!

  4. Even though you didn't pick it, I appreciate that you shared this with us as well. A simple but incredibly meaningful sentiment.
