Thursday, August 23, 2012

Custody Fight

Mike was in for a surprise after he and Vicky decided to split after 30 years of marriage.  Although their children were adults, he was facing a custody fight. 

Two days after the split, Mike called his friend, Steve, to talk about the divorce. Steve said, “Yeah, Vicky already called and said that she needed to know whether I was on her side.”

Mike was incredulous:  “Why does she need anybody to take sides?  It’s nobody’s business.”  Steve said, “Don’t worry, I told her I wasn’t going to take sides.”   

Mike's mind was reeling, “Fuck, I thought I left junior high school a long time ago!” And sure enough, Vicky had been busy.  He got the cold shoulder from most of their friends.

The worst part was that Mike wouldn’t see Vicky's family. As an only child with very formal parents, he loved her big Italian family, with lots of hugging and kissing.  He was especially close to Vicky's sister, Jackie.

Mike saw Jackie one day in the divorce lawyer's office.  When she saw him, she smiled and stood with her arms out. Mike said awkwardly:  “I didn't think you'd even talk to me, let alone give me a hug.” Jackie replied, "You’ll always be my brother." So Mike asked if he could email her and she nodded. That night, Mike sent the email.  After a few days without a response, he knew Vicky had nixed the idea.  

Dominique, their friend from France called one day.  Dominique was originally Vicky's friend from working together as flight attendants; so the call was a surprise:  "Bon jour 'Mee-shell', como ca va?”  Before Mike could respond, Dominique said, "Vicky called me.  I am sorry about the divorce.  I do not understand her; she told me that I had to choose who would be my friend. I told her: ‘I will not choose. You are both my friends'" Dominique continued, "Vicky hung up the phone!" 

Mike understood Dominique’s confusion and thought, "Dominique is somebody with a heart."  

I wrote this for Trifecta Week 39 Writing Challenge, where we are required to use the word "heart" in the context of a person's personality or disposition.   

Your comments are appreciated.


  1. Crazy!!! It sounds very childlike to me as well but I'm certain it happens this way. Those big Italian families are very affectionate; bunches of hugs and kisses (I know!).Too very bad about Jackie but at least Mike knows how she feels about him. Yes! Dominique is the one with a "heart" and it's a warm and loving one at that. Nicely done!

    1. Thank you Gina. Vicky's childishness is breathtaking. And so sad. I'm working on a piece about the Italian family. Should be ready next week. Thanks for your comments.

  2. Lumdog, I just love your stories. Good adaptation!

    1. Thank you so much for those comments. I think I was commenting on your piece about Ranger when you were over here! My experiences with dogs are quite different. You must be a great trainer.

  3. ouch! a divorce, especially after sharing a life so long, is hard enough! to lose one's friends as well?
    i've had friends split ways before under less than pleasurable circumstances and could never fathom leaving one or the other, despite the situation... dominique is the only one with the heart in this tale!

    1. Yeah, right? Why would a true friend take sides? I agree, Dominique is the only one who had a heart, except Mike. Mike had a heart too. He never tried to get anyone to take sides. He was a little naive, in that, he was so shocked that Vicky would do this. Thanks for your comments, Renada!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much. I appreciate your words of support.

  5. I hate to say that, in most of the situations I've seen, you are kind of asked to choose sides. Usually nothing as outright as being told to do so, but when the trash-talking reaches a certain level, it gets hard to maintain a neutrality. Sigh. Thanks for linking up and giving us something to think about!
