Friday, July 20, 2012

A Big Step

Two marriages over

Absent fathers
No time for love
He's here out of nowhere
Rough spots abound
Still...he's in love
Is this real?
Sould I believe?
A big step

I am writing this for this week's Trifextra Writing Challenge, week 25.  We are supposed to write about someone who took a giant leap in exactly 33 words.

Your comments are appreciated.


  1. I like this a lot. I didn't get the challenge exactly right -- thought it was 33-333 forgetting it was the weekend. I love how you condensed so much into so few words. And, yes, all is well up on our mountain. Annette (my blogspot link goes to my blog about our life on the mountain).

  2. Thanks for your comments. However many words, I was inspired by your story.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You checked back before I had a chance to moderate your comment so they are both there now. Thanks for stopping by and visiting our little ranch! I read through your other posts. I like that story about the matches. It reminds of a time, when I was small, that I saw a group of young boys set a field on fire and RUN! I'd forgotten all about that. I

    1. Thanks for your comments. I'm new a blogging and I forgot about the moderation thing.

  5. You have used the given number of words to depict a leap which, sadly, is taken far too often these days. Most families used to stay together in far harder times. I wonder what we are doing wrong?

  6. Thanks for stopping by. It's hard to write anything in 33 words but I was trying to convey the idea that the third time might be the right one.

  7. Concise but vivid story. Maybe not such a good step though! k.

    1. Thanks for your comment. I'm an eternal optimist though.

  8. Always hard to believe again after a divorce... it is in fact a big leap.

  9. Yes, I think so. Thanks for stopping by.

  10. I think immediately of the children. Every. Single. Time. Marriage is hard work. Hope 3rd time charmed as wee in this story!

  11. Since this was written for the Trifextra Writing Challenge,the third time has to be charmed! Thanks for your comments.

  12. I love the hope in this piece. With two marriages over to start the piece, it could easily end in despair, and yet instead it ends in the hope of a future together. Can it be for real? Yes, it can. My father-in-law is so much happier in his second marriage. My parents have not remarried, but they are happier by far divorced. My husband and I seem to be lucky enough to have gotten a match on the first try, but you never know. Sometimes, it just takes time and patience and an open heart.

  13. Thanks for seeing the hope in this piece. I was afraid it didn't come across that way.

  14. Very well written. The complexities of love and loss. It can be quite exhausting really.

    1. Thanks for your kind words. Yea, this stuff is so difficult, considering you have two adults (and kids)who have lived very different, separate lives and they attempt to merge into a new family unit.

  15. I've been married for close to 20 years. I'm hoping to never have to worry about this leap.

  16. Thanks for linking up with Trifextra this weekend. I, too, liked the hope here. I have a cousin whose first marriage lasted a year. The second lasted a few months. She just celebrated nine years with the third. There's hope. Thanks for reminding us.

  17. Thanks. I guess she hit the Trifecta. Sorry, I had to say that :/ Hope is the thing that keeps us going, right?

  18. I know, right? After a certain number of years passes, and things have already fallen can we know? We can't, we can only LEAP! I love this one, lumdog.

  19. Thanks for your kind words and being in the "pro-leap" camp.

  20. Well done. I love the way you did that! :D

  21. Thank you. I enjoy reading your posts.
